... got a fire extinguisher handy.....
... only joking... would I do that??!!
individuals wife
JoinedPosts by individuals wife
JW's in my Apartment Complex
by ashitaka insome jw's are preaching in my apartment complex right now...and it's so peaceful, quiet.......what i wouldn't give for an air horn right now.....{heh, heh}.
individuals wife
by FreeFallin inconfused.
was in the middle of sending out some last minute "seasons greetings," cards.
any way, he spoke of the events of the last year, how they were significant, about the brothers going to the trade center and offering comfort from the scriptures, while priests and ministers only offered water and towels, and about the change in subscription arrangement.
individuals wife
who else can explain why the world is the way it is, except the witnesses
I have found that the witnesses do not have a monopoly on why the world is in the state it is in, and even though they claim to have a correct explanation there are many that can pick holes in their teachings, I say 'their teachings' because they seem to steam ahead and leave the Bible behind.
Asking any Christian you can be sure to be told that it is Satans and mans fault that we are in the mess we are in, most Christians I have come across will also tell you that God will step in at some point and sort out the mess that has been created. Prophecy is not just followed by the witnesses, others too are watching world events with interest, just not with the same 'excitement and anticipation' that was so prevelant when I was a JW.
And that is so appealing, to know, or think you know, the way out.
I am so glad you added the word 'think' to that phrase! The evidence that they are the true religion is just not there. They have failed over the years in so many ways and they have lost all their credibility. God would not use such a flawed messenger, a messenger that keeps changing the content of the message, a message that should be constant as God never changes, a message that was meant for everyone with the right heart condition not just JWs.Just my thoughts.....
by FreeFallin inconfused.
was in the middle of sending out some last minute "seasons greetings," cards.
any way, he spoke of the events of the last year, how they were significant, about the brothers going to the trade center and offering comfort from the scriptures, while priests and ministers only offered water and towels, and about the change in subscription arrangement.
individuals wife
Dont fall for it - I made that mistake, was out for almost a year then got sucked back when I started to listen to their excuses and false sentiments. Hence I wasted more time following a religion based on time sheets and meeting attendence more than love for fellow man and true acts of charity.
You know deep down I am sure that the 'brother' was not being totally honest when he said that if you could only get to a meeting now and then it would be OK, that is never enough for them. They want you completely in their grasp.
You say that he was so kind and loving in his speech yet you know what is behind his words.... keep this in the forefront of your mind, this is not the sort of affection and attention you need! There is plenty of love and affection in the world without having to resort to a religion that is so good at destroying peoples lives. I for one can do without it, I have never been more happy since I made the final leap for freedom, never been more fulfilled, never been more content with my life and the decisions I make. They are my decisions now, not decisions made for me from the pages of a WT magazine.
Be strong.
Tony Hart must have a picture in the attic
by Simon inanyone remember / watch "take hart" ?.
i watched it as a kid and now liam watches it and the guy doesn't look any different!
he must have a picture in the attic (dorian gray style)
individuals wife
He must sleep in a vat of formaldehyde....... and Morph never seems to look any older either.... very strange....
A Sad Example of JW Brainwashing /Twisted Thinking
by puppylove inthis is the instant message conversation i had with my sister in law on friday.
it makes me so sad because i think that she in her heart recognizes the truth of what i am saying, but then the jw brainswashing takes over and she just stops thinking.. sorry it's so long!!.
c: you are very special to me.. c: i love you deeply.
individuals wife
So very, very sad. And so, so frustrating - it's like hitting your head against a brick wall isn't it? I just hope and pray that conversations like these put little seeds of doubt in peoples minds and they are encouraged to look into these things for themselves, not just to believe everything churned out by the organisation.
The sad thing is that a just over a year ago I would have most probably shared her sentiments and responses, thank goodness I took it upon myself to open my eyes, become better informed, investigate my worries and concerns and I finally saw what the organisation was really about. I hope that this happens for your sister in law, it happened to me and I was pioneering at the time, very zealously too, so I thought... it could happen to her too. Don't give up hope.
What is Carol Singer Ettiquette ?
by Simon inwe just had some carol singers turn up ... what are you supposed to do?
i gave them some chocolate 'cause all i could think of was trick or treat.
we lived in an out of the way road before so they never came to us.
individuals wife
Now you've really confused them.....
I think the idea (in a perfect world) is to invite them in and get to sit down for a while in front of a roaring log fire next to the huge Christmas tree with all the children sat at their feet eagerly awaiting their next rendition of 'Away in a Manger', then of course it is customary to pass around home made mince pies with lashings of clotted cream, hot sausage rolls and thick slices of Xmas cake and stollen, then its time for mulled wine and more wassailing. Then when they are finished you send them on their way with all good wishes for a happy festive season and watch them trudge through the falling snow to the next house to do it all over again....
Or in the real world you could just slip them a few quid and send them packing, depends a lot on their singing ability!
Or you could do what happened to me in about 1982, I went carol singing in the local area, got given home made sweets, was violently ill and spent the whole of Christmas Day, Boxing Day and my birthday in bed. Trust my mother to pick that year for buying a turkey the size of a small car, between just the 3 of us..... she was not amused... plus I repeatedly vomited all over my new dressing gown and slippers she bought me, ho hum, such happy memories!
Give your definition of the word DUB
by Mr Ben inhow about.... dutifully under borg,.
distressed underpaid bullshitter.
disenfranchised, underprivileged, brainwashed.
individuals wife
Digging Up Balderdash
Dishing Up Baloney
Deeply Unususual Biblebashers
Dopey Unscrupulous Bludgers (thats one for the DOs & CO's!)
Deeply Unhappy Babies (the ones who get slapped in the rest rooms) -
Xmas Card Despatch
by ISP inyes........the time left is reduced....let those with xmas cards act as they had none.....and stuff!.
they have gone out today from moi to the following..... tina.
individuals wife
Ditto wonderwoman 77 - my letter box is empty, my letter opener is redundant, my mantelpiece is devoid of Christmas cheer, sniff, sniff, in need of kind souls who wish to send cards! Of course I will reciprocate if you let me have mailing details!! Email me!
Under the Mistletoe.....
by individuals wife infor the benefit of those who need a good excuse for a cuddle and a kiss i bring to you the benefits of mistletoe.... enjoy!.
to start with - a big xxxxx .
and a big smoochie to all the little individuals in our house!
individuals wife
Please note that there are certain restrictions when using my mistletoe service provided here...
This facility cannot be used if one has been eating pickled onions, garlic, onion bhajis, aniseed balls or fish.
This facility is also restricted to those who regularly attend their dental checkups.
Beware, warning coming now... use of mistletoe can lead to unwanted pregnancy...
Under the Mistletoe.....
by individuals wife infor the benefit of those who need a good excuse for a cuddle and a kiss i bring to you the benefits of mistletoe.... enjoy!.
to start with - a big xxxxx .
and a big smoochie to all the little individuals in our house!
individuals wife
For the benefit of those who need a good excuse for a cuddle and a kiss I bring to you the benefits of mistletoe.... enjoy!
To start with - a big XXXXX to individual of course!
And a big smoochie to all the little individuals in our house!